City of Ogdensburg


Site / Project Name

Former Diamond National Paper Mill

Brownfield Site Address

Madison Ave

Site Owner

City of Ogdensburg

Clear Title


Owner Contaminator


Former Use

Paper Mill

Land Use

Approximately 17 acres on the St. Lawrence River. The Site is currently vacant, zoned for mix-use. The site is adjacent to and contiguous with an additional 9 acres of municipally owned waterfront. The Site slopes gradually to the River (north).


.25 miles from State HWY 37, 2 miles from the Ogdensburg International airport, 35 miles to Interstate 81. The Site has deep water frontage. Municipal water and Sewer is available. There is no rail access.

Assessment Level

Phase 3/4

Remedial activities have been conducted, Certificate of Completion dated April 8, 2014 from NYSDEC.


Site has undergone cleanup through the NYS ERP, Certificate of Completion dated April 2014 from NYSDEC. There are remaining "hotspots" that are managed in accordance with a SMP.

Cleanup Program


Cleanup was conducted through the NYS Environmental Restoration Program (ERP)



Site has undergone cleanup through the NYS ERP, Certificate of Completion dated April 2014 from NYSDEC. There are remaining "hotspots" that are managed in accordance with a SMP.



Future Use

Mixed Use

Financing Tools: Federal Programs

Financing Tools: State Programs

Financing Tools: Funds Committed


Financing; Attracting Developer

Technical Assistance

Tax Increment Financing; New Markets Tax Credits; Not sure
Disclaimer: This publication was developed under Assistance Agreement No. TR-83576801-0 awarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed in this document are solely those of Council of Development Finance Agencies and EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication.