Southern Ohio Port Authority


Site / Project Name

Project Cobb

Brownfield Site Address

4862 Gallia Street, Portsmouth, OH 45662

Site Owner

Current site owner is the receiver for the New Boston Coke Corp. receivership action. SOPA is currently working to take title to the property.

Clear Title


Owner Contaminator


Former Use

Steel mill and coke corporation.

Land Use

Current site is abandoned. Part of site still contains old coke ovens and smoke stack. The property that is part of this project is abandoned. Another part of the property contains an industrial park, and a separate part contains a new shopping development. There are operating ports on both sides of the project property. The property is on the Ohio River and the project is an expansion of an operating river dock.


Rail runs through the site and it is adjacent to the Portsmouth rail yard. The new Portsmouth bypass Sciotoville exit is less than 2 miles from the site and U.S. 52 runs next to the site. The proposed Portsmouth Gateway project is part of this project and will consist of building a road into the site, which will connect both ports, the rail yard, and the limited access U.S. 52 and bypass.

Assessment Level

Phase 2

Phase 2 needs updated.


Potentially tar, coal/coke dust, asbestos.

Cleanup Program


Shopping center and industrial park have been part of the Clean Ohio Fund grant program. The remaining 30 acres that are part of the project have not been enrolled in a clean-up project.



The industrial park has rehabbed two buildings from the steel mill which are currently being used for industrial purposes. The shopping center has been capped and part was dug-out. There has not been remediation action on the 30 acres that are part of this project.



Conley River Terminal and SOPA

Future Use


Financing Tools: Federal Programs


Financing Tools: State Programs

Clean Ohio & JobsOhio revitalization

Financing Tools: Funds Committed

Private funds from developer


Financing; Adopting a Redevelopment Plan for the site; Assessment and Cleanup of property; Public support

Technical Assistance

Tax Increment Financing; Not sure
Disclaimer: This publication was developed under Assistance Agreement No. TR-83576801-0 awarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed in this document are solely those of Council of Development Finance Agencies and EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication.